
Local Obituaries for Belton, Texas & Bell County

Johnny Lloyd Donoho

Johnny Lloyd Donoho

Jun 3, 1964

(No Obituary Text Available)

Turner Yearwood Johnston

Turner Yearwood Johnston

Aug 1, 1943

CLICK HERE TO VIEW SERVICE Turner Yearwood Johnston was born in Loraine, Mitchell County, Texas on October 17th, 1921, to Clifton and Ellie Smith Johnston. He was the oldest of six children: Clifton Johnston Jr., Mary Francis Johnston Roberts, John Robert Johnston, Sammye Jo Johnston Gray, and Virginia Ellen Johnston Daniels. Funeral Service with presentation of Army Air Corps Awards...

Emilio Rivera Delgado, Sr.

Emilio Rivera Delgado, Sr.

Jul 23, 1933

(No Obituary Text Available)

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